Monday 16 November 2015


Today I will be talking about planetbase. The game looks pretty awesome. Kind of like minecraft, or dune 2000 in a way. It looks like a space themed sandbox set in the future. You could tell by the characters and vehicles looks.

Just by looking at it it looks like a survival type game In wich you choose a suitable planet to start a colony and be successful. Kind of like space settelrs.

The base looks pretty cool. There is a place to get food, a garden and a medical center.


The game will be released on steam as well as other systems
The base is well designed and the graphics are extremely good
 (coming from a guy who plays ocarina of time)  

This is an all around great game. The game is educational due to the fact that nasa has been trying to do this for years. it has been portrayed in many movies 
2001 a space odyssey 

National geographic 1969

The game and people (surprisingly) have no backstory as to why they are doing this.

They are just random people colonizing. 

the game is pretty awsome. 

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