Wednesday 18 November 2015

planetbase review day 3

Step one get all the oxegeny stuff so youpr people don’t die. Get all the essentials.
Step two energy!!!! Need lots of this  or no power.

 step 3 water food air get it or people wil die


once you have essentials, star to expand. get trading people by getting a landing pad.
the planet looks like tatoine. you could probably get a moisture vaporizer and luke to run it lol.
you need power storage for the night in case your solar panels and wind turbines fail at night.
the people are stubborn and will stop and stand there outside if they are injured,sick hungry tired or low on oxygen. if you are careful and do well you will probably succeed.f if you fail, try and try again. practice makes perfect. give your people food and good rest. make sure to have a control center to  manage hostile people and tell people of sandstorms code reds etc. make sure you have enough reasources to survive. 

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