Friday 20 November 2015

planetbase day 5

AMOYYING WAYS TO DIE so many annoying ways to die
you could forget to connect the oxygen generator while your typing and be left wit one colonist
your people could die of starvation because they are to lazy to grow the food I placed.
they could die of thirst because they refuse to drink from the fountain
your people think its a  good idea to go outside in a sandstorm
your people are not motivated.
here is a list of just all around weird stuff

meteor impact
 meteor destroyed my power source
solar panel being made

 too lazy to grow food


 the real truth behind our workers
I feel like a creepy ailien from those movies who stalks a colony.

Thursday 19 November 2015

another planetbase

sigh after 3 tries here is my result
it became increasingly hard and my people kept dying.
always get energy and air quick.    I ONLY HAVE ONE COLONIST LEFT.

planetbase stuffs

I made some errors during last days gameplay.
I thought that I would have infinite power but the wind stopped at night. two people died of starvation and I had lots of food!! my people  are so stubborn. they kill themselves by standing outside and doing nothing. I needed more medical bays and more buncks. my people did not want to sleep even though they where tired. this time, I will get power  and air quickly. iw will prioritize my power and air supply and I will succeed.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

planetbase review day 3

Step one get all the oxegeny stuff so youpr people don’t die. Get all the essentials.
Step two energy!!!! Need lots of this  or no power.

 step 3 water food air get it or people wil die


once you have essentials, star to expand. get trading people by getting a landing pad.
the planet looks like tatoine. you could probably get a moisture vaporizer and luke to run it lol.
you need power storage for the night in case your solar panels and wind turbines fail at night.
the people are stubborn and will stop and stand there outside if they are injured,sick hungry tired or low on oxygen. if you are careful and do well you will probably succeed.f if you fail, try and try again. practice makes perfect. give your people food and good rest. make sure to have a control center to  manage hostile people and tell people of sandstorms code reds etc. make sure you have enough reasources to survive. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

planetbase again

planetbase is fairly simple
 you start off like this.
 the tutorial will provide some isntructions.
my advice is that you start quick or your people will die.
I learned the hard way and I was left with one person and two robots.



 so here is my completed base. if you follow the tutorial, it should give you predetermined spots for your buildings. the menu shows a list of buttons such as show domes,  edit and more functions as
you click on buildings.
 this is my mine connected to the airlock. to connect things, you click one completed building and click another completed building and click the green link button and it will link.
 here is my domes such as sleep, food and growing stations.
this is my complete whole station. this is what you should have by the end of the tutorial.